Peggy Lee


Mo Rocca Discusses Peggy Lee in Prairie Public Interview

“Peggy Lee was somebody that I’d never really immersed myself in… I’ll tell you also, I’m at CBS Sunday Morning, the network’s flagship arts and culture show, and Holly Foster Wells, wonderful granddaughter of Peggy Lee, came to us as Peggy Lee’s 100th birthday was approaching and said, ‘listen, we would love to work with you guys on a piece and I leapt at it for affirmation reasons.’ And as I got into it and began listening more and more, I couldn’t believe how, and it’s a word I don’t get to use a lot, how protean, how multifaceted this woman was, and just how many different sounds she had. That’s the first thing that really grabbed me is, a lot of time you hear a couple of notes from a singer and you know who that singer is. But there are so many different Peggy Lees. So I needed to know where she was from. [Source: Mo Rocca, interviewed by Ashley Thornberg, Prairie Public]

Listen to full interview here. (Transcript also available.)