by Rebecca Freligh In January 1988, record producer Bill Rudman called Peggy Lee at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, where she was performing. He told her he had a concept for an album. She didn’t know him from Adam, and it seemed she didn’t want to. “I said, ‘Just let[…]
Peggy Lee Is Still Doing Right by Her Audiences
by Mary Campbell, Associated Press Singer Peggy Lee recorded “Why Don’t You Do Right?,” her first hit, with Benny Goodman in 1942. The song is a challenge to an unreliable man. But Peggy Lee herself has been doing right by her audiences ever since, for 50 years. She just finished[…]
Is That All There Is to an Interview?
by Nora Burns After more calls to Peggy Lee’s press agent Terrence than 550-TOOL gets on a Saturday night, I found the legendary chanteuse in her hotel room at the Hilton, home of Club 53, where she performed all last month to an eclectic group of worshipers, including elderly singalong[…]
Always True in Her Fashion
by Gary Giddins The first time I really listened to Peggy Lee was accidental. I’d bought a Benny Goodman collection on Harmony, got it back to the dorm late, put it on and soon fell asleep. The last thing I recalled hearing was “Why Don’t You Do Right,” and I[…]
Lee’s Triumph of Spirit
by Gene Plaskin “I always thought of myself as a very strange little girl,” chuckles Peggy Lee, remembering herself as Norma Deloris Egstrom, the North Dakota blond abandoned as a toddler, then abused by her wicked stepmother. “My real mama was an adorable little thing – laughing, singing, playing piano[…]
A ‘Fever’-Pitch Comeback
by Howard Kissel Only in Hollywood movies, I had always supposed, do you see a frazzled maitre d’ hoisting tiny tables over crowds and jamming them into the already tight spots between the tables to squeeze in patrons desperate to get into a nightclub. But that was exactly the scene[…]