The book “Peggy Lee: A Century of Song” by Tish Oney is crafted by a woman who knows the history of the singer as well as her songs. “I felt I needed to write a book to communicate her importance in music,” she said. “Her musicianship was very good and[…]
100 Years After Her Birth, Peggy Lee Celebrated With a Book on Her ‘Century of Song’
Tish Oney was a doctoral student in search of a dissertation when she met the daughter of singer Peggy Lee at a jazz conference in 2004. “Nicki Lee Foster was in a room full of 600 jazz singers and stood up and said, ‘I’m Peggy Lee’s daughter,’ and got this[…]
Peggy Lee – “The Capitol Transcriptions 1946-1949”
Seventy-two restricted Capitol Transcriptions from the 40s constitute a lavish banquet for Peggy Lee admirers… On each song, Lee’s ‘sultry purr’ fuses emotional intensity with unflustered delivery. Her vibrato is tightly controlled. Her intonation and enunciation are precise. Applying unexpected accentuations, she’s able to wrest extra meaning out of almost[…]
That’s Not All There Is: Celebrating the Centennial of Peggy Lee
Tish Oney was 8 years old when she first heard Peggy Lee performing on a PBS special. It didn’t take long for Oney to be captivated by the elegant woman she saw on TV. “She was a master at understatement, singing very softly into the microphone, almost whispering, sometimes purring,”[…]
Celebrated ‘Century’: Jordan Native Pens Book About Prolific Singer
Tish Oney was about 12 years old when, one day, she was called into the living room of her Jordan home by her mother, Beth. On television was a PBS concert special featuring Beth’s favorite singer, Peggy Lee. And as she watched Lee perform on that Atlantic City stage, Tish[…]
Podcast 751: A Conversation with Holly Foster Wells about Peggy Lee
Podcast 751 is my conversation with Peggy’s granddaughter, Holly Foster Wells, who is responsible for preserving Miss Lee’s musical legacy (and doing a fine job of it!). We talk about her memories of her famous grandmother, and talk about Miss Lee’s career in film, recording and songwriting, as well as[…]